How to get table name from Table Id in Ax 2012

Discription : If you have the id from a table in AX and you need to find out the name of that table, you can use the tableId2Name functionality. You can create job or any other else you can find table from tableid in ax through code here is example for find table based on tableid. Or if you want tableid from table name then you can get using code. Here I have an example so you can follow and find.

Step 1: Create job and Run below Code to find table name through tableid.

static void FindTable(Args _args)
    info (strFmt("%1", tableId2name(77)));

Step 2: based on table name find tableid.

static void TableName(Args _args)
   info (strFmt("%1", tableName2id('CustTable')));

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