How to Create Stop Watch in Asp.Net

In this Example we will see how to create stop watch in When click on start then it will start automatically when we pause then time will pause and when we click on start then it will automatically start from previous time. In many project people need like this controls or widget. Here we will create like this in dot net.

Design your webpage like below. Here we will use timer controls for start time and stop timer controls. Using script we will call this controls in button event.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
       <div style="margin-left:160px">
       <table class="style1">
        <td class="style2">
         <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
  <asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Enabled="false" Interval="1000" OnTick="Timer1_Tick"></asp:Timer>
<asp:Label ID="lblmin2" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblmin1" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text=":"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblsec2" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblsec1" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:Label>
       <asp:Button ID="btnstart" runat="server" OnClientClick="startTimer()" Text="Start" Width="160px" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
       <td class="style2">&nbsp; </td>
       <td><asp:Button ID="btnpause" runat="server" Text="Pause" OnClientClick="stopTimer()"OnClick="Button2_Click" Width="76px" />
<asp:Button ID="btnreset" runat="server" Text="Reset" OnClick="Button3_Click" Width="79px" />
  <script type="text/javascript">
        function startTimer() {
            return $find('Timer1')._startTimer();
        function stopTimer() {
            return $find('Timer1')._stopTimer();

Now code for when you want to start timer control and when you want to stop timer controls. Or save in minutes, hours in your timer controls.

public int time_second;
        public int time_min;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Timer1.Enabled = false;
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Timer1.Enabled = true;
            btnpause.Visible = true;
            btnreset.Visible = true;
        protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

            time_second = int.Parse(lblsec1.Text);
            time_second = time_second + 1;
            lblsec1.Text = time_second.ToString();
            if (lblsec1.Text == "10")
                lblsec2.Visible = false;
            if (lblmin1.Text == "10")
                lblmin2.Visible = true;

            if (lblsec1.Text == "60")
                lblsec2.Visible = true;
                time_min = int.Parse(lblmin1.Text);
                lblsec1.Text = "0";
                time_min = time_min + 1;
                lblmin1.Text = time_min.ToString();

        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Timer1.Enabled = false;
        protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            time_second = 0;
            time_min = 0;
            lblmin1.Text = "0";
            lblsec1.Text = "0";
            lblsec2.Visible = true;
            Timer1.Enabled = false;

Run you web application and see you will get timer controls or else stop watch.

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