SSRS Report Controller Class in Ax 2012


Controller class is used to control the report execution as well as pre-processing of the report data. The SSRS reporting framework uses this class to modify the report dialogs, calling the SQL Server reporting services, as well pre-processing parameters for the report.

Following are the scenarios where Controller class can be used:

1.       Modifying a report query based on the input data
2.       Modifying report contract data based on the input data
3.       Control a report parameters dialog
4.       Open different reports/designs from the same menu item based on the input data
5.       Reports that are opened from a form

To create a controller class, extend it with SrsReportRunController.

Simple Controller class

·         Create a new class. Open AOT → Classes.
·         Right Click on Classes and select New Class. Name it as SSRSDemoController.
·         Open the Class declaration by right clicking on it and selecting View code.
·         Now write the following code:

class ItemTransactionSummaryController extends SrsReportRunController

     ·         Create a new method and write the following code:

public static void main(Args _args)
    //define the new object for controller class
    ItemTransactionSummaryController controller;

    controller = new ItemTransactionSummaryController();
    //set the report name and report design to run
    controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(ItemTransactionSummary, PrecisionDesign));
    //pass the caller args to the controller
    //execute the report

Examples of Controller Class Usage

Based on different scenarios, different methods are overridden as shown in the following examples:
1)    Modifying report query based on the input data
Used in those scenarios where a report query needs to be modified based on the caller args parameters or recorded before the report parameter dialog is rendered.

Override prePromptModifyContract method to modify the report query as shown below:

public void prePromptModifyContract()
    //add a range in the report query  
       fieldNum(SSRSReportDemo, RecId),SysQuery::value(this.parmArgs().record().RecId));

Note:- prePromptModifyContract is called by report controller before the parameter dialog is shown to the User.

2)    Modifying report contract data based on the input data

Used in those scenarios where report contract parameters need to be modified based on the caller args prior to the execution of the report.

Override preRunModifyContract method to modify the report contract as shown below:

protected void preRunModifyContract()
    //define object for report contract
    ItemTransactionSummaryContract contract;

    //get the reference of the current contract object
    contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as ItemTransactionSummaryContract;

    //modify the parameter value of the contract

Note:- preRunModifyContract is called by report controller before the report is run.

3)    Control report parameters dialog

In some scenarios, a report parameter dialog should not be visible to the end user. Controller class is also used to control the visibility of the report parameter UI.

Add the following code in the main method of the controller class before startOperation method call to hide/show the report parameter UI:

public static void main(Args _args)
    ItemTransactionSummaryController controller;

    controller = new ItemTransactionSummaryController();
    controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(ItemTransactionSummary, PrecisionDesign));

    //hide the report parameter dialog

4)    Open different reports from the same menu item based on the input data

It is used in those scenarios where different reports or different designs of a same report need to be opened from a same menu item depending upon the caller args.

Write the following code in main method to achieve this scenario:

public static client void main(Args args)
    //define the new object for controller class
    ItemTransactionSummaryController controller;   
    controller = new ItemTransactionSummaryController();
    //pass the caller args to the controller
    //if report is run from edit mode then run the PrecisionDesign_1 of the report otherwise run the PrecisionDesign of the report
    if(args.parmEnum() == FormOpenMode::ForEdit)
        //set the report name and report design to run
        //set the report name and report design to run
    //execute the report

5)    Reports that are opened from a form

Controller class is also used when reports are opened from a form and are needed to show selected record details.

Use either prePromptModifyContract method or preRunModifyContract method to achieve this scenario like below.

In my case I have to run this report from the report as finished journal form or from the Job card form from the production journal then I will use like below. Declare table name in class declaration.

Protected void prePromptModifyContract()
    if(this.parmArgs().dataset() == tableNum(ProdJournalProd))
        if (this.parmArgs() && this.parmArgs().record())
            contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as ProductionBarcodeContract;
            ObjProdJournalProd = this.parmArgs().record();


    if(this.parmArgs().dataset() == tableNum(ProdJournalRoute))
        if (this.parmArgs() && this.parmArgs().record())
            contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as ProductionBarcodeContract;
            ObjProdJournalRoute = this.parmArgs().record();


Protected void preRunModifyContract()

ShowQueryValues Method 

Determines whether the query values will be added to the dialog box. If you want to modify the query value then you have to set this method in you controller class and it will return false. By default it will always return true. Used by the query Ui builder.

public boolean showQueryValues(str parameterName)
    return false;

public boolean showQueryValues(str parameterName)
    If (this.parmArgs().menuItemName() == menuItemOutputStr(#YourMenuItemName)
        return false;
        return true;

ShowPrintSettings method

Indicates whether print settings should be added to the dialog. True if the print settings are to be shown; otherwise, false.

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