AX provides several ways of writing files. Depending upon
scenario, you can use one. Apart from AX native filing, you can also use .NET
interop to call .NET classes for reading/writing files. We will be showing few
classes which are provided by AX for writing files.
StreamReader and
Implements a TextReader that reads
characters from a byte stream in a particular encoding.Implements a TextWriter for writing
characters to a stream in a particular encoding.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Length: Gets the length (in bytes) of the stream. Position: Gets or sets the current position in the stream for reading and writing operations. Seek(): Sets the position within the stream. Flush(): Clears any buffers within the stream and forces changes to be written to the underlying system or device. Some streams have the AutoFlush property for flushing automatically any change. Close(): Closes the stream and releases any resources associated with it. !!! Remember always close the stream !!! Read(): Performs a sequential read of a specified number of bytes from the current position and updates the position to the end of the read upon completion of the operation. ReadByte(): Performs the read of a single byte and updates the position by moving it by one. Write(): Writes information to the stream as a number of bytes and updates the current position to reflect the new write position. WriteByte(): Writes a single byte to the stream and updates the position. |
are a lot of streams, some of them:
The File class
The File class provides methods for easy writing and reading operations.
The File class
The File class provides methods for easy writing and reading operations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Copy(): Copies a file to a new file. !!! The new file must not exist or an event will be thrown. !!! Move(): Moves a file from one place to another. !!! The target file must not exist or an event will be thrown. !!! Delete(): Deletes a file. !!! None exception is throw if file doesn't exists !!! Exists(): Returns true if a file exists. AppendText(): Opens a file (or creates a new file if one does not exist) and returns a StreamWriter that is prepared to allow text to be appended to the file. CreateText(): Creates or opens a file and returns a StreamWriter object that is ready to have text written into it. OpenText(): Opens an existing file and returns a StreamReaderobject. Open(): Opens an existing file and returns a FileStream object. We can specify the file mode and the file access type. OpenRead(): Opens an existing file and returns a read-only FileStream object. OpenWrite(): Opens an existing file for writing and returns a FileStream object. Create(): Creates a new file and returns a FileStream object. Atomic operations: ReadAllBytes(): Opens a file, reads the contents of it into a byte array, and closes the file. ReadAllLines(): Opens a file, reads the contents of it into an array of strings (one per line), and closes the file. ReadAllText(): Opens a file, reads the contents of it into a string, and closes the file. WriteAllBytes(): Opens a file, writes the contents of a byte array into it (overwriting any existing data), and closes the file. WriteAllLines(): Opens a file, writes the contents of a string array into it (overwriting any existing data), and closes. WriteAllText(): Opens a file, writes the contents of a string into it (overwriting any existing data), and closes the file. |
Read Text using
static void ReadTextStreamReader(Args _args) { System.IO.StreamReader reader; System.String line; InteropPermissioninteropPermission; strtext,filepath; containerconfilter =['.txt','*.txt']; A_PurchaseOrder objA_PurchaseOrder; filepath = WinAPI::getOpenFileName( 0, confilter, "", "Save As", "", "Untitled"); interopPermission = newInteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); interopPermission.assert(); reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filepath,System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF7()); line = reader.ReadLine(); while (!System.String::IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { line = reader.ReadLine(); text =System.Convert::ToString(line); info(text); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); }
Write Text Using
static void WriteFileStreamReader(Args _args) { System.IO.StreamWriter writer; InteropPermission interopPermission; strtext,filepath; containerconfilter =['.txt','*.txt']; A_PurchaseOrder objA_PurchaseOrder; filepath = WinAPI::getSaveFileName( 0, confilter, "", "Save As", "", "Untitled"); writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filepath); interopPermission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); interopPermission.assert(); whileselectobjA_PurchaseOrder { writer.WriteLine(strFmt("%1|%2|%3|%4|%5", objA_PurchaseOrder.Purchase_ID, objA_PurchaseOrder.Vender_Code, enum2str(objA_PurchaseOrder.Status), date2str(objA_PurchaseOrder.Purchase_Date,123, DateDay::Digits2,DateSeparator::Hyphen, DateMonth::Digits2,DateSeparator::Hyphen, DateYear::Digits4), objA_PurchaseOrder.Purchase_Amount)); } writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); }
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