How to Get table Field Using TableId in Ax 2012


There are two main ways to do it I can think of offhand. Reflection and using the SysModelELements table. The first way will give you the name & label, the second will not give you labels reliably.

The first job demonstrates this with reflection. The second shows it with the SysModelElements tables, and is faster, but won't give you the label. You can use a DictField object to enumerate the label (as shown in the second method).

The first method is the most reliable as the second could have some cases I haven't thought about such as table views or maps.

Here what I will do I will take dict table and bind my table in dict table then I will get table fieldname and fieldlabel.

Create Job and Run and Assign your TableName in Str tablename Property in Job.

static void TableFieldLookup(Args _args)
    strtableName = 'table name';
    DictTable       dictTable;
    DictField       dictField;

    dictTable = new DictTable(tableName2id(tableName));
    if (dictTable)
        for (i=1; i<=dictTable.fieldCnt(); i++)
            dictField = new DictField(, dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i));
            info(strFmt("Field Name: '%1'; Field Label: '%2'; IsSystem: %3",,dictField.label(),dictField.isSystem()));
        error(strFmt("Table '%1' not found!", tableName));

Or else you can achieve this functionality by other way.

static void TableFieldLookup(Args _args)
    tableName tableName = 'A_PurchaseOrder';
    SysModelElement     tables;
    SysModelElement     fields;
    DictField           dictField;

    while select tables
    where tables.ElementType == UtilElementType::Table && tables.Name == tableName
    join fields
    where fields.ElementType == UtilElementType::TableField &&
    fields.ParentModelElement == tables.RecId
        dictField = new DictField(tables.AxId, fields.AxId);
        info(strFmt("Field Name: '%1'; Field Label: '%2'; IsSystem: %3",,dictField.label(),dictField.isSystem()));


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