How to use merge transformation control in SSIS

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In this post we are going to discuss Merge transformation control.

By the name it is clear that Merge transformation do some merge related task. For example suppose there is two sources which are source1 and source2. Now we want merge records of Source1 & Source2 then this transformation is helpful.

Although, sometimes you might confuse that there is already UNION ALL transformation the when to use UNION ALL or Merge transformation.

For Merge transformation we require sorted inputs and there is only two inputs required. The output of merge transformation will be sorted output.

Let’s start it Step by Step

Step 1:- Firstly configure the sources. In current example I am using Flat file using FirstName, LastName columns as a Source1. For Source2 I am using Flat file in that FirstName, LastName again. (You can choose any different source like flat file, excel, other data source provider as well to make it simple I am using same source)

Step 2:- Once you setup your Flat file the next mandatory condition is the output should be sorted. So here we are using Sort transformation control. Now for first source we are sorting data on FirstName, MiddleName. And for second source we are sorting data on FirstName, LastName.

Step 3:- Now once we have two sorted input we are going to use Merge transformation control so just drag drop and configure it. As shown in below figure. So there are two inputs which is Merge Input 1 & Merge Input 2 and we configured the data according to our need. And if you see below screen you will find “Configure the properties used to merge two sorted inputs into one output” which means for Merge transformation we require two sorted inputs only.

Step 4:- Now, we want the output of merge transformation in a flat file so, here dropped Flat file destination and configure it. So you can see below configured package with excel destination.

Step 5:- Now just hit F5 or run it. If everything configured properly then you will get all the green checks with no of rows count at each level as shown in below figure.

Step 6:- We can cross check Excel also so in my case we got the required data as shown in below Excel's snapshot.

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