How to calculate time for running a process in X++

Description: There is a very useful function timeConsumed () in Global class which we can use to calculate the time taken to execute business logic in AX 2012.

This function will return time consumed string in the form of X hours X minutes X seconds. If X is 0 – will not include the value + text. This function will return time consumed string in the form of XX hours XX minutes XX seconds (00:00:00). It handles up to a 24 hour time difference not dependent on start/end time. 

It handles up to a 24 hour time difference not dependent on start/end time. If time consumed > 24 hours will only report time over 24 hour intervals.

This code can be used to calculate the time consumed running a process.

static void calculatetimeforrunningprocess(Args _args) 
    int startTime = timeNow(); 
    int endTime; 
    endTime = timeNow(); 
    info(strFmt("Process took %1", timeConsumed(startTime, endTime))); 

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