How to Concate Column Value in Row Using STUFF wtih XML Path in SQL

SQL programmers are faced with a requirement to generate report-like result sets directly from a Transact SQL query. In most cases, the requirement arises from the fact that there neither sufficient tools nor in-house expertise to develop tools that can extract the data as a result set, and then massage the data in the desired display format. Quite often folks are confused about the potential of breaking relational fundamentals such as the First Normal Form or the scalar nature of typed values

Select CountryId,CountryName from Country

The objective is to return a result set with two columns, one with the Category Identifier, and the other with a concatenated list of all the Country Names separated by a delimiting character: such as a comma.

Concatenating column values or expressions from multiple rows are usually best done in a client side application language, since the string manipulation capabilities of Transact SQL and SQL based DBMSs are somewhat limited. However, you can do these using different approaches in Transact SQL, but it is best to avoid such methods in long-term solutions

Here I have Some Query to Concatenate Columns values in Rows.

STUFF((Select ','+CountryName
from Country T1
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') as CountryName

SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + CountryName
FROM Country

--DECLARE @Names VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') +
    ISNULL(CountryName, 'N/A')   
FROM Country
print @Names

--DECLARE @Names VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + CountryName
FROM Country
print @Names

Select Main.CountryId,
       Left(Main.Country,Len(Main.Country)-1) As "CountryName"
        Select distinct ST2.CountryId,
                Select ST1.CountryName + ',' AS [text()]
                From Country ST1
                Where ST1.CountryId = ST2.CountryId
                ORDER BY ST1.CountryId
                For XML PATH ('')
            ) [Country]
        From Country ST2
    ) [Main]

Select distinct ST2.CountryId,
            Select ','+ST1.CountryName  AS [text()]
            From Country ST1
            Where ST1.CountryId = ST2.CountryId
            ORDER BY ST1.CountryId
            For XML PATH ('')
        ), 2, 1000) [Country]
From Country ST2
SELECT CountryName + ', ' AS 'data()'
FROM Country
  (SELECT N', ' + CountryName FROM Country FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE)
  .value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,N'') as CountryName
declare @rowsCount INT
declare @i INT = 1
declare @names varchar(max) = ''

  Id int identity,
  Name varchar(500)
insert into @MyTable select CountryName from Country
set @rowsCount = (select COUNT(Id) from @MyTable)

while @i < @rowsCount
 set @names = @names + ', ' + (select name from @MyTable where Id = @i)
 set @i = @i + 1
select @names
SELECT CountryId,
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 1 THEN CountryName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 2 THEN CountryName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 3 THEN CountryName ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +
           MAX( CASE seq WHEN 4 THEN CountryName ELSE '' END )
      FROM ( SELECT p1.CountryId, p1.CountryName,
                    ( SELECT COUNT(*)
                        FROM Country p2
                        WHERE p2.CountryId = p1.CountryId
                        AND p2.CountryName <= p1.CountryName )
             FROM Country p1 ) D ( CountryId, CountryName, seq )
     GROUP BY CountryId ;
SELECT CountryId,
           "1" + ', ' + "2" + ', ' + "3" + ', ' + "4" AS CountryName
      FROM ( SELECT CountryId, CountryName,
                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CountryId
             ORDER BY CountryName)
               FROM Country ) P ( CountryId, CountryName, seq )
     PIVOT ( MAX( CountryName ) FOR seq IN ( "1", "2", "3", "4" ) ) AS P_ ;
WITH CTE ( CountryId, product_list,CountryName, length )
          AS ( SELECT CountryId, CAST( '' AS VARCHAR(8000) ), CAST( '' AS VARCHAR(8000) ), 0
                 FROM Country
                GROUP BY CountryId
                UNION ALL
               SELECT p.CountryId, CAST( product_list +
                      CASE WHEN length = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', ' END + CountryName AS VARCHAR(8000) ),
                      CAST( CountryName AS VARCHAR(8000)), length + 1
                 FROM CTE c
                INNER JOIN Country p
                   ON c.CountryId = p.CountryId
                WHERE p.CountryName > c.CountryName )
SELECT CountryId, product_list
      FROM ( SELECT CountryId, product_list,
                    RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY CategoryId ORDER BY length DESC )
               FROM CTE ) D ( CountryId, product_list, rank )
     WHERE rank = 1 ;
SELECT top 1  p1.CountryId,
       ( SELECT CountryName + '-'
           FROM Country p2
          --WHERE p2.CountryName = p1.CountryName
          ORDER BY CountryName
            FOR XML PATH('') ) AS Country
      FROM Country p1
     -- GROUP BY CountryId ;

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