The URL Parameters in D365


The awesomeness of the HTML5 client is apparent, but it might be even clearer if you know a bit on how the URL parameters work as well. These can be used to further enhance your user experience and extend the usage of the web client.

URL parameters are additional commands you can send in the URL and can be used to affect the way the web application works. It is placed at the end of the URL string after the ? (question mark) character and each parameter is separated by an & (and) character.  The parameter can be given an attribute or value and that is separated by the = (equals) character.  Giving you a structure like so:

Let’s dive in!

cmp=[legal entity]

You can set a default company that the user defaults to at User Options > Preferences > Startup > Company. Use this URL parameter to override this and directly access a legal entity. If you use many companies it will be easy to create shortcuts for each company for quick access.
Note: This parameter is visualized by default in the URL.


You can set a default user language under User Options > Preferences > Language and country/region preferences > Language. However if you like to open the solution in another language, use this URL parameter. Great if you’re doing user training and support, work with different companies in their native languages or if you are doing a demo.


Use this to go directly to any of the forms in the solution. Based on your user settings you either go to DefaultDashboard, SystemAdministrationWorkspace, EssentialsDashboard or HcmEmployeeSelfServiceWorkspace. This can take you to any for like SalesTable, CustTable and so on…

Note: This parameter is visualized by default in the URL and it is easy to copy it for future use.


Want to skip the splash screen? Use that. Looks like it shaves of a millisecond or two, so it isn’t that much faster. It does however look slightly cleaner from my standpoint.


The theme ID is the number of the color palette given in the user setup. This is awesome when combined with the “cmp” URL parameter. Gives you a sense of what company you’ve launched, but be aware that you can change company at any time.


If you’re afraid you might accidentally navigate to a form you shouldn’t be in, you can use the “limitednav” URL parameter to minimize this risk. This parameter takes all navigation possibilities away.


Working on both tablet and on a computer? There are two different types of grid density in the solution. High(21) and low(30). Select your pixel density by using this URL parameter. This is the same as selecting a different grid density in the user options.

Example: &density=21 is best suited for desktop and &density=30 is best suited for tablet/touch.


If you have a solution that is partitioned you can use this to quickly going to the right one. The feature is deprecated, but still works. For instance the Contoso database Public sector partition can be accessed by writing: prt=ps. You can get an overview of the partition by entering f=PartitionAdministration (replacing the mi parameter). Note that partitions have their own user access, so you would initially access it with the system master user. Thanks to Ievgen for pointing this out.


Some forms doesn’t have menu items. Like “SysTableBrowser” *, “jmgClock”, “WHSWorkExecute” and “jmgWorkPlanner”. These are some forms that are in the system, but isn’t accessible through the menus. This replaces the “mi” parameter.
* Requires also to use the parameter tableName=[TableID]


If you activate the “URL manipulation” parameter under your User settings > Preferences, you’ll find that when doing a filter or record lookup you’ll get a query string directly in your URL. I assume that this is the query string that is created by the deep links generator. This is described in the Operations Wiki.


The mode selector does access features that you might otherwise not have access to. The “trial” attribute starts a trial experience and the “mobile” attribute gives the user access to the mobile application builder feature.


This gives you the opportunity to debug the application directly in the web client. It gives you a little indicator right next to the legal entity (company) selector on the top menu bar and clicking it gives you details on the client performance.

That is the list so far. This will give to the opportunity to create direct access to the form and information you need quickly and give a better user experience. I can see great benefit in a multi company solutions.

What URL parameters do you know about that isn’t on this list?

There are some cool stuff you can do with the Dynamics AX URL that you should be aware of. Knowing these tricks will be beneficial during sales work, configuration and even in your daily work routine.


A URL is built up of a domain, folder, webpage and attributes.

Like: www

The Dynamics AX URL doesn’t need folders or webpage (underlined), but it does contain some attributes that are worth getting to know a bit better. Here are my favorite ones…
Calling the domain without any attributes gives you the DefaultDashboard and the company selected in your user options.

Select a form ("mi=[menuitem]")

This is one of two attributes is always present. Decoding this can make you swiftly go directly to a desired form. Storing URLs in favorites on your browser will give you direct access to a form.

Example: "mi=CustTableListPage"

Select a company ("cmp=[legal entity ID]")

This is the other attribute always present. This shows the legal entity that you want to access. No information and the system calls the one that is selected in your users options. However it is great if you’re working with multiple companies to store different menu items that starts you off in one company or the other.

Example = "cmp=DAT"

Select a language ("lng=[lang]")

The default language is the one that is selected in your user options. To work in an environment with another language you would normally make you go change parameters and reload the application. This is a REALLY fast way to just look at another language quickly. Great if you work in your local language and want to run through a tutorial or guide in another language… Like this one:

Example = "lng=nb-no"

Restrict navigation ("limitednav=true")

In some cases you might want to restrict access to a navigation. This is really nice for the manufacturing execution terminals or a simple dashboard, customer information etc.
Another great way to use this is if you want to limit your navigation in cases where you do cross company lookups. So if you want to go in to another company and don’t want to run around doing other stuff once in that company. That could be a good damage control functionality.

Get to your data!

To get to your oData feed from the entity store… Simply write the folder: data after the domain. This will list all your entities. Adding the URL in the listing will give you the result. Try adding this to your Excel oData query to REALLY simply get to your data.

Example: https: //[yourdomain]

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February 19, 2020 at 9:55:00 AM GMT+5:30 delete

i need mi=systablebrowser for all legal entities in Dyn365


Thanks for comments.....