List of Tables and type of data they stored in AX 2012

The order processing systems consist of a set tables that control order entry and base information pertaining to an installation. For example you must have customer to enter sales orders against, how else would a company generate revenue. You must have vendors to generate purchase orders, etc. Below I have detailed the tables that are used to perform daily transactions that keep a business running.

CustTrans -The CustTrans table contains posted transaction information for the customer. 
VendTrans -The VendTrans table contains posted transaction information for the vendor. 
CustSettlement– The CustSettlement table contains information relating to the settlement or reverse settlement of two transactions. They are used to link a transaction with the transaction it was settled against. 
VendSettlement– The VendSettlement table contains information relating to the settlement or reverse settlement of two transactions. They are used to link a transaction with the transaction it was settled against.
CustGroup – The CustGroup table contains a list of groups into which customers can be added. Every customer must specify a CustGroup with which it is associated.
VendGroup – The VendGroup table contains definitions of vendor groups.
CustTable – The CustTable table contains the list of customers for accounts receivable and customer relationship management.
VendTable – The VendTable table contains vendors for accounts payable.
SalesTable – The SalesTable table contains all sales order headers,
regardless of whether they have been posted or not.
PurchTable – The PurchTable table contains all purchase order headers, regardless of whether they have been posted or not.
SalesLine – The SalesLine table contains all sales order lines, regardless of whether they have been posted or not.
PurchLine – The PurchLine table contains all purchase order lines,
regardless of whether they have been posted or not.
LedgerTable – The LedgerTable contains the definitions of the general
ledger accounts, also called the chart of accounts.
LedgerTrans – The LedgerTrans table contains the posted general ledger
LedgerAccountCategory – The LedgerAccountCategory contains the financial categories that accounts fall into. The categories are assigned to accounts to allow easier grouping of accounts on financial statements.
Dimensions – The Dimensions table contains the dimension values for all of the defined dimensions. This is explained further later on.
LedgerTableInterval – The LedgerTableInterval table contains ranges of accounts associated with a Total ledger account.
LedgerBalancesTrans – The LedgerBalancesTrans table contains the posted ledger amounts per account and date.
LedgerBalancesDimTrans – The LedgerBalancesTrans table contains the posted ledger.

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