How to synchronize only project contents on D365

Full Database synchronization

When using the new Microsoft Dynamics AX7 (Technical Preview) there is an option to perform a full database synchronization via Dynamics 'AX 7' > Synchronize database...
Selective synchronization

But there is no option on a table to synchronize only the selected table like in previous versions of AX.
To synchronize only certain tables, enable the database synchronization on project build.
After building a project only the views and tables included in the project will be synchronized.

For specific project 
To enable synchronization on build only for a specific project, right click your project in the Solution Explorer, select properties (ALT+ENTER) and then set the option Synchronize Database on Build to True.

Default for all projects

To enable this by default for all projects, set the option Synchronize database on build for newly created project under Tools > Options > Dynamics 'AX 7' > Projects

Hint: Trace synchronization errors
The rebuilt synchronization mechanism is truly better than the legacy one but sometimes it doesn't give you a hint when it fails. To find the source of the issue you can switch to legacy synchronization by modifying the settings file DynamicsDevConfig.xml.

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings\ DynamicsDevConfig.xml Note: This file is user specific!

Change the following line from




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