How to close a form using X++

There are "only" 5 ways to close a form:

Close              - close the form. Similar to the 'X' button.
CloseOK             close the form, and set the OK flag  called by the Commandbutton::Ok
CloseCancel         close the form, and set the Cancel flag  called by the Commandbutton::Cancel
CloseSelectRecord   close the lookup form, and set return record
CloseSelect         close the lookup form, and set return value

The below methods (note their names are in past-tense) are used to determine if or how a form was closed:

Closed         Returns true, if the form is no longer open
ClosedOK       Return true, if the form was closed by the user clicking OK
ClosedCancel   Returns true, if the form was closed by the user clicking Cancel

Finally, CanClose() is called before any of the close methods get called. If CanClose() returns false, the form is not allowed to close.

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