How Set Time Format in SSRS Report

Formatting – 1: 

Let your expression be as it is coming from inside AX. Don't change it. Revert back everything to same as it was giving you time.
Next, right click your textbox and click textbox properties. Finally click on Number and change formatting there.
If you will copy formatting expression, as value, you will get "expression as value". 

Part 1:
First simply drag your field on design of SSRS. Don’t do anything with formatting. Let it display data, which is coming from AX. 

Part 2:
Now, when you are sure that data is coming on Report, and it just matter of formatting left, right click your textbox and click textbox properties. Finally click on Number and change formatting there.

Formatting – 2: 

=Format(TimeSerial(0,0,Fields!starttime.Value),"hh:mm:ss tt") - 12 hour clock
=Format(TimeSerial(0,0,Fields!starttime.Value),"HH:mm:ss tt") - 24 hour clock
=Format(TimeSerial(0,0,Fields!FromTime.Value),"hh:mm tt") 

As you can change Hours, Minutes, Seconds as per requirements in your SSRS Report.

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