What is Goods and Services
Identification number (GSTIN)?
Currently any dealer registered under state value added tax (VAT) law has a unique TIN number assigned to him by state tax authorities. Similarly, Service Tax Registration Number is assigned to a service provider by Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC).
Under GST regime, all these parties will come under one single authority and the different identification numbers(IN) that will be replaced by a single type of registration number for everyone i.e., Goods and Services Identification number (GSTIN). This will ensure better administration by the authority and greater compliance by taxpayers and hopefully improve tax collection.
All the business entities registering under GST
will be provided a unique identification number known as GSTIN or GST
Identification Number.
Currently any dealer registered under state value added tax (VAT) law has a unique TIN number assigned to him by state tax authorities. Similarly, Service Tax Registration Number is assigned to a service provider by Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC).
Under GST regime, all these parties will come under one single authority and the different identification numbers(IN) that will be replaced by a single type of registration number for everyone i.e., Goods and Services Identification number (GSTIN). This will ensure better administration by the authority and greater compliance by taxpayers and hopefully improve tax collection.
The first 2 digits of the 15
digit GSTIN will represent the state code.
The next 10 digits will be the
PAN number
of person or firm engaged in Business.
As proposed the State Code as
defined under the Indian Census 2011 would be adopted In the GSTIN. As per the
terms of the Indian Census 2011, every State has been allotted a unique two
digit code. For 01 for Jammu and Kashmir, 02 for Himachal Pradesh, 03 for
The 13th would represent the
number of registrations an entity has with in a state under the same PAN. It
will be an alpha-numeric number (first 1-9 and then A-Z) and will be assigned
on the basis of a number of registrations a legal entity (having the same PAN)
in the same state.
What is Permanent account
number ( PAN )
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a laminated tamper
proof card, by the Income Tax Department of India.
The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is unique to an individual or entity and it is valid across India. Permanent Account Number once allotted to an individual or entity is unaffected by a change of name, address within or across states in India or other factors.
The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is unique to an individual or entity and it is valid across India. Permanent Account Number once allotted to an individual or entity is unaffected by a change of name, address within or across states in India or other factors.
Meaning of PAN card
A typical Permanent Account Number is would look like
AFZPK7190K... The logic behind the array of numbers and alphabets is as
First three characters i.e. "AFZ" in the above PAN are alphabetic series running from AAA to ZZZ.
Fourth character i.e. "P" in the above PAN represents the status of the PAN holder.
"P" stands for Individual.
"F" stands for Firm.
"C" stands for Company.
"H" stands for HUF.
"A" stands for AOP.
"T" stands for TRUST etc.
First three characters i.e. "AFZ" in the above PAN are alphabetic series running from AAA to ZZZ.
Fourth character i.e. "P" in the above PAN represents the status of the PAN holder.
"P" stands for Individual.
"F" stands for Firm.
"C" stands for Company.
"H" stands for HUF.
"A" stands for AOP.
"T" stands for TRUST etc.
Fifth character i.e.
"K" in the above PAN represents first character of the PAN holder's
last name/surname.
Next four characters i.e. "7190" in the above PAN are sequential number running from 0001 to 9999.
Last character i.e. "K" in the above PAN is an alphabetic check digit.
Next four characters i.e. "7190" in the above PAN are sequential number running from 0001 to 9999.
Last character i.e. "K" in the above PAN is an alphabetic check digit.
static void GetPANFromGSTIN(Args _args) { str RegistrationNumber; RegistrationNumber ="24AACHA6869P1ZA"; RegistrationNumber = substr(RegistrationNumber,3,strLen(RegistrationNumber)-5); info(strFmt("%1",RegistrationNumber)); }
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