Here we will Create Dynamically Word File and dynamically retrieve all row’s from table with Type and Description and Display in Word File. For that Create Job and assign System table name to Display All rows with Description in Word File.
Here we will Create Dynamically Word File and dynamically retrieve all row’s from table with Type and Description and Display in Word File. For that Create Job and assign System table name to Display All rows with Description in Word File.
Here I have used “CustTable”
to Retrieve all Rows from CustTable.
static void writeTableInWord(Args _args) { COM app, document, wordDocument; COM range, tables, table; COM cell, cells, rows, row, shading, font, paragraphs; inti, j; sysDictTablesysDictTable = newSysDictTable(tableNum(CustTable)); sysDictFieldsysDictField; ; app = new COM('Word.Application'); app.visible(true); document = app.Documents(); wordDocument = document.add(); wordDocument.activate(); range = wordDocument.range(0,0); tables = wordDocument.tables(); //Add the table table = tables.add(range , 1, 3);'Table Grid'); //Write to cells cell = table.cell(1,1); range = cell.range(); range.text('Field Name'); cell = table.cell(1,2); range = cell.range(); range.text('Type'); cell = table.cell(1,3); range = cell.range(); range.text('Description'); for (i = 1; i<= sysDictTable.fieldCnt(); i++) { sysDictField = sysDictTable.fieldObject(i); if (sysDictField&& !sysDictField.isSystem()) { //Add a row to the table rows = table.rows(); rows.add(); cell = table.cell(i + 1, 1); range = cell.range(); range.text(; cell = table.cell(i + 1, 2); range = cell.range(); range.text(enum2str(sysDictField.baseType())); cell = table.cell(i + 1, 3); range = cell.range(); range.text(; } } //Formatting first row of the table //Get the first row row = rows.first(); cells = row.cells(); cells.verticalAlignment(1); //Middle row.setHeight(20, 2); shading = row.shading(); shading.backgroundPatternColor(10526880); //Grey 375 range = row.range(); font =range.font(); font.bold(1); //Bold paragraphs = range.paragraphs(); paragraphs.alignment(1); //Center }
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