How to identify SQL Version and SQL Edition


When working on AX implementations, one main purpose of Analysis phase is to identify and estimate the License costs for the Customer. And a major part of the Implementation cost can go into "Purchasing licenses".

During such a scenario, I found some helpful information on how to identify the Microsoft SQL Editions.
If you want to check the SQL Version and/or SQL Edition of the installed product, you can follow the below simple steps:

Connect to the server in which SQL Server is installed.

Open SQL Server Management Studio from Programs/Start. Alternatively you can type 'ssms' in Run.
Connect to the Database. Open a new Query window and paste the below code.

select @@servername

select @@version

select serverproperty('edition')

Execute the query

This will result in three different output/resultset. The first provides you the "Name of the server", second provides you the "Version of Installed SQL" and the third provides you with the "Edition of SQL Server installed".

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