Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is the primary reporting platform for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The default, predefined reports that are provided with Microsoft Dynamics AX run on the Reporting Services platform.
This topic guides you through the process of installing, deploying,
and using these reports. This topic also provides information about how
to create custom reports.
Report Data Provider Class is an X++ class that is used to access and process data for a SSRS report. The RDP class processes the business logic based on a specified parameter and/or query and returns a dataset to the reporting services. In order to create a RDP class in AX, you have to extend that class with SRSReportDataProviderBase. This tells AX that this class will be used by reporting services to process the data.
Report Data Provider Class is an X++ class that is used to access and process data for a SSRS report. The RDP class processes the business logic based on a specified parameter and/or query and returns a dataset to the reporting services. In order to create a RDP class in AX, you have to extend that class with SRSReportDataProviderBase. This tells AX that this class will be used by reporting services to process the data.
Two important
attributes are used in RDP classes:
1. SRSReportQueryAttribute: specifies which AOT query will be used in
this report. If the RDP class uses an AOT query to process data, define this
attribute at the beginning of the class.
2. SRSReportParameterAttribute: defines the data contract class that will be
used by this report to prompt for parameter values. If the RDP class contains
any parameters this define this attribute at the beginning of the class.
public str runAndSaveSSRSReportAX(PurchTable _purchTable) { SrsReportRunController ssrsController = new SrsReportRunController(); PurchPurchaseOrderContract Contract = new PurchPurchaseOrderContract(); SRSPrintDestinationSettings printerSettings; VendPurchOrderJour VendPurchOrderJour; str ReportPath; select firstOnly VendPurchOrderJour order by VendPurchOrderJour.createdDateTime DESC where VendPurchOrderJour.PurchId == _PurchTable.PurchId; ReportPath = "C:\\" + _PurchTable.PurchId +".pdf"; ssrsController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(PurchPurchaseOrder, Report)); ssrsController.parmExecutionMode(SysOperationExecutionMode::Synchronous); ssrsController.parmShowDialog(false); Contract.parmRecordId(VendPurchOrderJour.RecId); ssrsController.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(Contract); //link the printer settings to the controller printerSettings = ssrsController.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings(); //print to pdf and always overwrite if the file exists printerSettings.printMediumType(SRSPrintMediumType::File); printerSettings.fileFormat(SRSReportFileFormat::PDF); printerSettings.overwriteFile(true); printerSettings.fileName(@ReportPath); //run & save the report ssrsController.runReport(); return ReportPath; // return the file location where pdf saved. we use this path to email and delete after email. }
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