Dynamic checkbox checked event in asp.net


In this article we will see How to Handle Dynamic Checkbox Checked Event in dot net. Here I have Create Simple demo to Understand Easily. For Create Dynamic Check box you have to Create Checkbox Dynamically in Page_Load event. Here I have Created Check box and Handle that Created Checkbox Event for Check or Uncheck.

You can create much control Dynamically in dot net. Here I have used Checkbox Control to Understand.

Create Webpage and Add Label control for Display Messgae . when we checkd or uncheck from that Check box Control.


  <asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            chkDynamic = new CheckBox();
            chkDynamic.ID = "chkExample";
            chkDynamic.Text = "Check / Uncheck";
            chkDynamic.AutoPostBack = true;
            chkDynamic.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler

Her is the Checkbox Checked Event perform action on that check Box.

protected void chkDynamic_CheckedChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkDynamic.Checked)
                lblMessage.Text = "you checked the checkbox";
            else if (!chkDynamic.Checked)
                lblMessage.Text = "checkbox is not checked";

Now we are done to perform Checkbox Event. Run your application there you will get Checkbox control for Check or Uncheck.

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