How to Check Current Session Id in Ax


You can retrieve the current client session id by using the following function: SessionId().

So, for example in a job, to show the current session id

static void ClientSessionJob(Args _args)
    info(strfmt('Client Session id-%1',int2str(SessionId())));

You can use this function together with the class xSession to collect more info.
The class xSession is responsible for retrieving various session information. Like the logon date and time:

static void LogonDateTime(Args _args)
    xSession = new xSession(SessionId());
    info(strfmt('logon date and time - %1',DateTimeUtil::toStr(xSession.loginDateTime())));

Or the current AOS server name you're logged onto:

static void CurAOSServerName(Args _args)
    xSession = new xSession();
    info(strfmt('Current AOS server name-%1',xSession.AOSName()));

Instantiate the class xSession without a session id to get info for the current session.
The user id used to create the session is also available. But there is an alternative for this one:

static void ClientUserId(Args _args)
    info(strfmt('Current user id-%1',curUserId()));

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