Generate special charactor in SQL


In this article we will see how to generate special character in Sql. Here is the simple tricks to generate special character in Sql. However I got it from sqlauthority. Here is the Mistry to generate it in Sql. Here is the character set which is appropriate to generate special character. 

SELECT 'ú' --'ALT + 163'
SELECT '¾' --'ALT + 0190'
SELECT 'Æ' --'ALT + 146'
SELECT 'þ' --'ALT + 0254'

You use above characters in your html or SQL Editor in SQL Server Management Studio and you would be able to generate those special characters. 

NOTE: - I received a follow up question by a user who was not able to go find an ALT key on the keyboard. Here is a hint, the two keys which are besides your longest key (space-bar) with ALT mentioned on it, is the ALT key. Apple keyboards use the option key in place of the ALT key.

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